[Aug 4, 2014]
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Beating the Bounds
These were taken Aug 4, 2014 when we had a Beating the Bounds and said good-bye to the land as we knew it. The smaller trees and plants had been removed previously and the 9 fir trees were removed shortly after.
Gail Blais   Aug 4, 2014, 11:50 AM    DSCF3251-ps.jpg
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Beating the Bounds
These were taken Aug 4, 2014 when we had a Beating the Bounds and said good-bye to the land as we knew it. The smaller trees and plants had been removed previously and the 9 fir trees were removed shortly after.
Gail Blais   Aug 4, 2014, 12:13 PM    DSCF3253-ps.jpg
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Beating the Bounds
These were taken Aug 4, 2014 when we had a Beating the Bounds and said good-bye to the land as we knew it. The smaller trees and plants had been removed previously and the 9 fir trees were removed shortly after.
Gail Blais   Aug 4, 2014, 12:13 PM    DSCF3255-ps.jpg
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Beating the Bounds
These were taken Aug 4, 2014 when we had a Beating the Bounds and said good-bye to the land as we knew it. The smaller trees and plants had been removed previously and the 9 fir trees were removed shortly after.
Gail Blais   Aug 4, 2014, 12:13 PM    DSCF3257-ps.jpg
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Beating the Bounds
These were taken Aug 4, 2014 when we had a Beating the Bounds and said good-bye to the land as we knew it. The smaller trees and plants had been removed previously and the 9 fir trees were removed shortly after.
Gail Blais   Aug 4, 2014, 12:14 PM    DSCF3260-ps.jpg